Not sure I mentioned in my last bartending post that I worked last Friday at a full bar, only the oh, second time in my entire life, and the first time since graduating from bartending school. The whole night I had "steam coming out my ears" in concentration, as my boss told me - mostly because he was figuratively looking over my shoulder the entire night. And by figuratively I mean he stood about two feet away. Watching me. Correcting me. So I was pleasantly surprised (well, sort of surprised - I'm not that dense) when my other boss, who also works for the one who supervised my "first" foray into real bartending, told me that I'd done well enough on Friday to please Boss #1, and there'll be more shifts coming my way in future.
But I digress.
Last night I worked at the concession stand bar again, which has some of your basic rail drinks and about six cordials and liqueurs. So this little man comes up to me, about my height and just about as wide as he is tall, with a young'un who looks like his son. Orders a Heineken Light for himself, turns to his son, asks what he wants. The young man orders the same thing, and because his cheeks are smooth and he's still pretty, like he hasn't grown into his bones yet, I card him. He hands me a godforsaken Alabama ID. If you've never seen one, they don't look as fake as those from New York, but they're not as ... fake-proof as the new Virginia licenses. I can't remember why, maybe the picture didn't look like him, but I ask for a second one, or a credit card, to check his name. He hands me another (old?) ID - that has a different birthdate!! Understandably confused, I point it out to him. Also confused, he hands me his scuba diving card (scuba diving?) ... after looking at all three (three) IDs he's graciously given me, I finally hand him the beer. At some point during this exchange, his dad looks at me and says, "I'm buying" and I had to point out that he asked his son what the latter wanted to drink, as in, his son was clearly going to drink that Heineken Light.