Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

I'm a slacker. I know this, which I hear is half the battle. And yet, there must be a will to change, and that I fear I lack.

At any rate, today is Earth Day! I don't know about other places of Business, but here on the Navy Yard there are plenty of activities going on, despite the rain. One I missed, but would have been happy to volunteer to participate in were it not for the rain, was the cleaning up of the Yard, i.e. picking up trash. Takes me back to my elementary school days, when in day care every now and then we'd be forced to walk around the school grounds and pick up trash that others had left behind. I never liked the prospect, but can't remember that the experience itself was that terrible.

In honor of Earth Day, I've already bought a styrofoam cup of coffee and a commercially-baked muffin. A great start, I think. Seriously though, I'd much rather be out planting a tree today than sitting in my office which smells of plastic because the windows are being re-filmed (that's UV filter film).

I did find an Earth-related article today via Twitter. (I love Twitter, don't you?) It's about the
Lake With The Longest Name Ever. Short, but sweet. Unlike my blog entries.

Happy Earth Day and try to celebrate it with more honesty and enthusiasm than I've managed so far. It won't be hard.

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