I love advent calendars. Always have. The pretty pictures, the Scrooge stories (a really excellent one year I'll never forget told a very abridged version)... the more glitter, snow, trees, historical buildings and people, the better. My favorite was one I bought in a very out-of the way little shop in Verona, run by a little old friendly lady, who probably saw three people a day walk through her shop doors. It was glittery, and had snowy trees, and such pretty little pictures! I was so enamored I brought it home with me in my luggage just to open the last few days. Probably had glitter in my suitcase for weeks afterward...
Well, as most people know (or should know), paper advent calendars equal not so good for the environment. And those cloth ones you can put chocolate in, I've never really gotten into. So I've decided this year to do something hopefully a little more "green" (and no, the fact that I haven't had the time, energy or ability to find the perfect advent calendar this year (nobody makes them anymore!) had nothing to do with my decision..). Anyway, the plan is to do something Christmas-y every day from the first to the 24th. That's the plan. We'll see how well it works. Oh, and did I mention I also plan to document this attempt here? Well, that's part B of the plan. Some events I may have a chance to write about before they actually happen, so if anybody lives in or near DC, it might be helpful. I make no guarantees, however.
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