Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Resolutions and New Beginnings

For the past month, I have engineered more success in my "write more" goal than I would have expected a month ago, given my last post. The thing is, it's easier for me now to write in my journal at home than it is to remember to post on my blog during the average of two hours I spend at the library every other day.

Back at the end of January I quit my job - crazy, right, given the recession and economic downturn - but I hated it. Over the past month I have become my old self again, which is a much pleasanter self than the self I was working at my hated job. Right around the time I quit, at the beginning of February, I made some resolutions. I won't call them New Year's Resolutions, because I don't buy into the whole New Year thing. Never really have, except as an excuse to drink champagne. The ball drop does nothing for me, and I try to live with the philosophy that every day is a new day - why wait for the new year? Anyhow, as it happened, my life changed at the end of January, so what better time for resolutions?

Unfortunately I don't have them with me (they're in my journal, at home), but here are a few of the ones I can remember:

1. I'll laugh more. (So far, so good!)
2. I'll fake confidence until I feel confident. (This one is taking a little more work but I had at least one memorable, successful experience recently.)
3. I'll do one thing every week that scares me. (Really a Fail at this point, sadly.)
4. I'll write more. (Seen this one before.)
5. I should have added something about living a greener lifestyle, but I didn't - at least I have been doing so, even without a formalized resolution!
6. I will stop buying things on impulse. (A very important resolution, thank goodness I've been mostly successful so far.)

I must say, I never thought Santa Claus was such a heavy breather. He's sitting right next to me in the library, and it's very distracting!

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