Saturday, February 28, 2009

Giving Life

I gave life today. And no, not in the pregnant/giving birth sort of way. Not that. By "Give Life" I mean the (new?) ad campaign the Red Cross is using for donating blood.

It was my first time. So I worried a lot beforehand, because I do that about things I don't know/understand. I like to know the procedures before I actually commit. Kind of like my sister when she was a toddler or a little older, who freaked out at the hospital until the doctor told her he was going to stitch her forehead back together. Once she knew what was going to happen, she calmed down and even helped strap herself to the cot.

Lots of friendly people at the donation site. The health history part was amusing because the ... volunteer? medic? helping me kept cracking jokes through his stuffed up nose. "Where is your blood pressure?" (how does one answer that question?) Oh and my favorite: "Can I just see your other arm to make sure you're not shooting drugs".

The whole watching-your-blood-drain-out-of-your-arm-into-a-plastic-bag is very surreal. But aside from the needle prick and the pressure from the arm band, not too unpleasant. I didn't get a blanket though. Good thing I had my puffer vest on, otherwise that would have been a problem. It didn't take very long to actually bleed a pint of blood, though the whole process took me two hours.

At the end, they practically pushed orange juice into my hand, told me to sit and wait for fifteen minutes, which I had trouble doing, because I was anxious to find out if they were still offering Caps tickets. Which I totally scored. WOOT! Double the reward. Oh, I almost forgot about my Peter Bondra bobblehead. He's cute. He even came with a hockey stick. The guy in front of me chose an autographed bobblehead instead of the tickets. Silly man. What's an autograph to the game?

Went to the pub to watch the Caps defeat the Bruins in OT in Boston this afternoon. Though we're still behind them in the Eastern Conference, and Jersey's coming up fast, I see a glass half full.

But enough random rambling.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Space Heaters and How Mine Failed Me

Okay, before you get the wrong idea, the heater still heats. It still has two heat settings, low and high. It still has a timer and a temperature gauge, so it turns off at a specified temp (if I so specify).

And yet.

All the safety features I looked into, which were very important to me because I'm actually a little afraid of the electric heating devices which can start fires in the home ... ARE NOT THERE. I stand directly in front of it some mornings, due to the cold temperature of the room (65 if the heater's been working hard all night) and it DOESN'T TURN OFF. One of the safety features listed on the "safety features list" was that it would be able to detect close proximity to other objects, and if said near object was not removed within a certain, short, period of time, it would automatically shut off. Hrmph. I have not accidentally knocked the machine over yet, because I'm not that clumsy... but I have tested it. Result: There is NO automatic shut-off feature for tip-overs. And yup, you guessed it! That was also listed on the fabulous, mendacious "safety features list".

Gotta love it. Actually if it didn't heat my room in a remarkable, lovable (that's to say, I love the heat) way, I would throw it out. And I wouldn't just throw it out, I would have a copier-destroying-style party to bust it to bits before consigning it to the dump.

And I'll never again buy a Honeywell product. That'll teach those lying manufacturers of dangerous electric appliances. Cross your fingers I don't burn before then.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Advantage: Peanut Allergy

Just read an article on Food and Nutrition in WaPo with somewhat disturbing statistics based on a telephone survey. Though I don't have to worry about the salmonella outbreak because I have a peanut allergy (one reason not to pity me for my inability to enjoy peanut products), I have also been confused about the recalled products. The article above states that only 1 in 5 people have gone to the FDA's website to find out exactly what products have been recalled. And even if you don't have much faith in the FDA's ability to regulate food safety, believing that the products on the list are truly affected is at least erring on the side of caution.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

To Read: A WaPo Article.

This is an article I found very interesting, given the current financial crisis and the new administration's attempts to buoy the economy.

Big Lessons

What are your thoughts?

Do A Spring Dance

Forget the snow dances, winter is over. Or at least, I'm going to pretend it is until it feels like winter again. Everybody do a dance for spring!! I read over someone's shoulder last week on the train to work, that Phil the groundhog saw his shadow, meaning we have more weeks of wintery, cold weather, and also I hear it's supposed to snow this weekend, but for the past three days I've been in spring weather heaven. I just wish the spring weather had occurred over the weekend instead of during the week, when I spend about 40 daylight hours indoors.

So this weekend I'll most likely be bitter and scowly, but until then, I'll be skipping home and running outdoors.