Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Volunteering Update

Today at Hart House was incredibly busy. Unfortunately, not all of the busywork qualifies as truly productive. I spent the first half of my two hours fighting with Zotero, trying to figure out how to share my library with the Library's library. In the end, I won the fight, but it's frustrating to spend time fussing with technology when I could be cataloging books or hiding them away (that might give you the wrong impression: keep reading for a more detailed description of "hiding them away").

The curator, who tried helping me with my Zotero issues, also asked me to put certain books in a cabinet, in preparation for a forthcoming display in front of the library doors. Evidently the collection includes a host of plays and other drama works donated by the family that brought this library into being in the first half of the twentieth century. So I tripped down to the Hub, or the Information center downstairs, to exchange my life, my ID and other details for a "Harry Potter" key. Never underestimate the pleasure of using an antique key, to open whatever. It's so much more fun than using modern keys!

Also had my first ever interaction with a patron at this library. Not that I was really needed, but sometimes I like to feel helpful, as well as useful.

Before I go, I think I'll add one more un-catalogued book to the short list I've been trying diligently to create.

In future, I hope to finally get started on the rare books project (identifying which are rare, which are not) and possibly train a friend to volunteer! Turns out this volunteering thing has been a much more lucrative and rewarding experience than I anticipated, and I've only worked four shifts!

That's all for now.

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