Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Impressions of Toronto

A somewhat-chronological List:

1. Walking upwards of five hours cannot be called a "cure" for restlessness, as it comes with its own sensations of discomfort. Yet: I am not restless anymore, in fact I'm quite tired. Yesterday's resolution: Today I will take public transportation EVERYWHERE. I can't wait to try the streetcars!

2. I have not improved my eatery-locating skills in strange cities. Help! If you know any good cheap places to eat in Toronto, please comment.

3. Starbucks coffee should taste more like Second Cup Coffee. I have yet to try coffee and donuts at Tim Horton's. But I have plans to.

4. I like the Subway because it's easy to ride (buy a token, take it anywhere), it's roomy, and (so far) not crowded.

5. I don't like the Subway because it still costs $3 to go one stop, which would be heaven on poor abused feet, if I didn't feel the price was ridiculous.

6. I appear to be far enough south that summers are still uncomfortably warm hot.

7. Bloor St, although the site of many designer boutiques, juxtaposes those sleek trendy storefronts with ugly construction equipment.

8. The neighborhood I'm staying in is only slightly seedy.

9. People do speak a bit funny here, but it's not glaringly obvious.

10. Finally, the university campus is beautiful and I'm quite looking forward to studying here. Although I can't imagine I'll be so hard-up for a snack that I'd ever eat out of one of those hot dog stands that sit on St. George's waiting for starving studying students to get desperate.

11. I forgot to mention: I have a superb sense of direction when it comes to walking around cities. I successfully navigated shortcuts twice yesterday, and today located the correct cardinal direction to walk in when I couldn't immediately find the street I needed.

1 comment:

  1. SO glad things are going well so far! ... and that you have a good sense of direction - that's always important in a new city.
