Friday, December 10, 2010

Advent, Day 10

Wow. Ten days already! I just handed in my last assignment today! Woot woot!!

So this afternoon, after a nap, I'm going to brave the snow (yes, again) and cold to take a trip downtown to see the designer Christmas tree exhibit on at the Gardiner Museum. Some neat facts about going to the Gardiner, which I learned yesterday:

  • It's open until 9pm on Fridays
  • Post-secondary students are FREE on Tuesdays with ID
  • 30 years of age and under FREE on Fridays after 4pm with ID (this is why we're going today)
  • The museum focuses on ceramics, with Italian Renaissance ceramics (for example) and a research library for ceramic studies
  • Chef Jamie Kennedy foodstuffs available at the restaurant, on Fridays from 11am - 9pm.
  • There's also an exhibit on The Tsar's Cabinet, which looks intriguing and fascinating. Might try to take a peek at that tonight, too. 

Tomorrow, look for me at the Christmas Market in the Distillery district.

1 comment:

  1. Funny story about the Tsar's Cabinet exhibit - I must have missed the dates, because it wasn't on when we went. I asked at the desk, and the receptionist guy gave me the blankest look ever. I qualified with, "the Russian imperial exhibit?" Still nothing. I tried a couple more times, got nowhere, and asked for a brochure.... of which they'd run out earlier. Anyway, when we finally got upstairs, the exhibit wasn't there.

    Mark: Fail.
