Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fish Supper

Finally, after weeks of not having time or, admittedly, the inclination, to go to the grocery store, I grocery-shopped like it was my job. Kind of lost my head in the produce department, ending up with the usual bell peppers, bananas and spinach, but also asparagus, oranges and bok choi. I've decided I like asparagus and bok choi, both newly acquired tastes.

I even bought fish! That was exciting. At the fish counter I learned it's possible to get some of your "pound" of fish frozen, in individually wrapped packages. How cool is that? There's no way I can eat a pound of tilapia in one night, so it worked out well.

Per Nigel Slater's British recipe (because, let's face it, the British have to be the best at fish suppers), I fried my tilapia and made some fluffy mashed potatoes in lieu of chips (a.k.a. fries to the Americans). I can roast veggies, but chips are beyond me. Boiled some asparagus to go with it, and presto! Dinner was served.

I have regained my enthusiasm for home-cooked dinners. Not just eating them, but making them, too.

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