Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Autumn Breeze Trumps Air Conditioning

Hands down. I am 100% all in favor of fresh air, whenever the temperature makes it comfortable. Today the weather has been cool enough that I felt cold eating my lunch outside on a bird poo-infested picnic bench. Furthermore, I've been able to keep the window open all day, without melting into my seat. Not only does this mean that my office has smelled fresh and outdoors-y, and that I haven't been wasting money and energy on air conditioning, it means most importantly that I have not felt my fingers, nose and toes turning into little organic blocks of ice. Now if only I could get this to work in my tiny apartment that has no air circulation...


  1. I am jealous.
    I work in a giant office building. the windows are physically impossible to open. unless you break them. which I wouldn't mind, but I imagine the snow later in the year might get bothersome.
